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Sunday 17 February 2013

T -2. You're getting it in the Neck Sunshine.

6 am and on the baggies already - early start lots to do today - I've got do lots of sitting on my arse doing this. Feel loads better this morning had a good solid five or so hours kip which has given me a real boost.
My bloods were reviewed overnight and the doc has decided that I was depleted in Phosphates, Calcium, Awesome and Magnesium. So I'm having a baggie of each infused at the moment. The rest of the day will involve an element of catch up as I still need to have the following;

Busulfan infusion (2 hours)
Ciclosporin - anti rejection drug dunno how long this is infused for
Final hit up of the nasty (6 hours)
Aciclovir (4 hours)
NAC (2 hours)

Apparently I had a temperature spike yesterday whilst in surgery having the CVC fitted so as a precautionary measure doc has decided to add an antibiotic to the mix - I think it was Meropenem which may be a syringe direct through the CVC. There will be the the usual two or three little cupfuls of assorted pills that protect the bits of my body that we are intending to keep - ie the rest of it.

Mel is due in today for some tests to ensure that the GCSF she has been taking has had the intended effect of boosting the richness of her blood content sufficiently for harvest, this will determine whether the dose needs upping for the last set of jabs prior to the procedure.

The brilliant Nurse Mai who has been on shift and looking after me for the past two days has done some modification to the system of taps on the end of the CVC line which has made life a little bit easier. The system that was fitted to me had the same sort of structure as the the Hickman - 1 large line going into your body dividing into 3 (4 on a CVC) lines outside your body  with a one way valve on the end of each to which syringes and drips may be attached. The difference with my new piece of kit was that it was an ICU model and as such had a sizeable 3-way tap on the end of each tube which clattered around my neck and face. Nurse Mai very kindly got rid of these things so that I no longer look like the Dorian Grey version of Nick Beggs from Kajagoogoo.

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