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Sunday 24 February 2013

T + 4. I am branded a peddlar of Dirty Filthy Pr0n Filth


Hb: 9.4     (=)
Wbc: 1.13 (-0.44)
Npl: 1.01  (-0.40)
Pl: 19       (-13)

Weight: 79.8kg

Well I've been locked out of my own blog page for a bit - new experience. When I attempted to log in I was shown a screen which said that my access to the site had been blocked due to the unsuitable and possibly pornographic nature of the content.
Now I don't make any great claims for the content of the blog,  there are obviously quite a lot of instances of potty mouth, but unless your interests are incredibly niche I think you'd be pretty frigging hard pushed to describe it as pornographic. Finally managed to track down the help-desk at Newton Abbots in Devon and spoke to a fella called Shaun (not complaining - better than Tommy from Delhi) very sympathetic and very helpful, got me sorted within five minutes.

So things are moving on with the destructive side of the chemo. If you're paying attention to this side of the story (I am keenly) you may notice that the falls are quite steep now and one of the main areas that I'm noticing is loss of blood clotting. I want to carry on wet shaving for as long as possible, but I'm  finding that a couple of shaving nicks that would have previously gone unnoticed now make me look like Sissie Spacek at the end of Carrie. So a note back down the line for the queue, you may need a leccy shaver. Haemoglobin is unchanged (blood transfusions still holding) and the level is still at a rather pleasant 9.4 - well it keeps me happy anyway.

 I was warned about the effect it can have on the mouth, principally because in the normal run of things the cells in the mouth are very short lived and replaced regularly. I think the cyto-destructive (sorry <fnar> cell destroying) properties of the chemo extend to the gob and hence can make things a bit nasty,when either the cells are killed even more frequently or are not replaced in the normal timely manner.
Woke up this morning with sores or ulcers forming along both outside edges of my tongue, quite painful until you find a way to contort your tongue so that it doesn't rub along the inside of the teeth. Luckily the docs are straight onto this and my meds are being tweaked to take account.

Checking the shower base isn't yielding any barnet yet so the tufted duck look may still be a few days away I'm actually rather curious as to how I'll look with no kind of hair on my head or face at all - at least I have an excuse for the look, imagine if out of curiosity you were to shave your head, eyebrows, lashes the lot over the course of a weekend and then turn in at the office on Monday. It would be backwards cardy and bouncy wallpaper time before you could reload.


  1. I am laughing my head off Nick. You are a closet author and should write comedy sketches! I wouldn't worry too much about the shaving - my beard wiped off with a flannel...

  2. Cheers Russell - I'm having to flannel it out a bit now that all the excitement and mad drug abuse is over - oh and of course, I'm in hospital now as well...
