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Friday 15 February 2013

T - 4. Woooohhhh look at you Mr. Introspective Pants !

I'm having to resist the urge to return to previous blog entries to polish them so they sound less ranty, blokey, druggy or offensive. I thought I was writing this as a grounded account of what to expect and what stuff you might need for other members of the MDS or AA community as I could only find one other blog online  (tbh I'm a lazy git and didn't look too hard) but at some point I've clearly stopped writing primarily for other people and started writing for me and it could be important for me to refer back to these times when I come through the other side.

So it's probably better that it's true to what and how medication made me feel at the time rather than returning to further distort what was already a pretty distorted reality in the first place.

They wanted me to crap in this lovely cowboy hat. (Note CVC line and chemo) Pic by Mel

 Right - head out of belly button and onwards and upwards. Any offers on an unopened tin of Turd Poilsh?


  1. Don't knock the blog, it's great, funny, & brilliantly written ( if a trifle weird at times, but blame the toxics!)

  2. Yep that's my get out clause Cuz. NB doesn't work when driving though.

    N x
