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Tuesday 12 February 2013

T - 7. Sod it! My Hands have gone back to Normal...

Well that made a pleasant change from boring old sleep...

Sit up until the early hours with your brain doing laps around your skull looking for the emergency exit why doncha? All I needed was a mullet and some Nick Kershaw and it'd 1985 all over again.

I think I eventually dozed off at about 3.30am and was roused by Grace around 7am for Obs and to be hooked up to my first bag of chemo of the day, which was about 30 minutes and then to 500ml of lovely NAQ (or maybe NAC) delivered over 4 hours - it's given to prevent kidney damage and to flush them out or something.

Another nurse - Katie came in to see me and advised that I'd be starting on the Busulfan this afternoon and I very casually asked if I would be needing Phenytoin again 'Yes' she replied (YAY!) 'But it'll be a much smaller dose than yesterday, because we had to give you a high dosage at the start to load your system first' (AW - BOLLOCKS).

I also had a very brief audience with a Consultant who popped in to have a chat and to see how I was doing. He talked very quickly but I think his name was Robert something. I guess he'll be back when things get a bit more shitty for me and more interesting for him.

Seems it was just as well that I wrote the previous buzz blog entry when I did, as I just got off the phone with my brother and he was laughing about last night and asking if I remembered the 30 minute text chat we had at about 10.30pm....I have no recollection.

Right so I've just been hooked up to the first batch of Busulfan and it's gonna be a couple of hours going in, meantime I just found another reason apart from kittens to hate the bloody internet... you can look up the possible side effects of drugs way too easily - I'd have rather been left in the dark but I'll share with you anyway.Busulfan may lead to light headedness (check), hair loss (fair enough - that'll be a bit further down the line), diarrhea and constipation (?! I'll let you know how that one pans out - pans geddit?) and then my own personal fave - rectal bleeding.

Get this f***ing thing out of me!

Nah - in reality the lightheadedness feels quite nice so I'm just going to enjoy the ride.


  1. I take it sitting on your hands until they go numb (like when you were 12) doesn't cut it?
    Keep up the good blogging Nick

  2. Early days yet Rob I'm in here for a while so I'm hanging on to that option for later! - N
