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Monday 18 February 2013

T - 1. Megaflanges Ahoy!

8.30am bright and early Curly Wurly today already had my NAC, Cyclosporin and Aciclovir and waiting for the final dose of the nasty probably about 2pm.

So let's bring this self indulgent electronic arse-scratching right up to date.

Back to yesterday - cue wibbly screen and vibes chord -my Ma and Mel came up to Kings to have her (Mel's) blood enrichment tested prior to harvest today. For the past 3 or 4 days she has been jacking up huge doses of GCSF  (Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor) to prompt her system to overproduce er...I guess stem cells. The test was to establish the levels of stem cells present and whether any further last ditch changes were required to her meds prior to harvest today.
Centrifuge used to get stem cells - pic by Mel

I don't know what the normal unit of measurment is, so in the absence of common sense fact, let's call it a Megaflange (Mgf).  The lowest level at which a harvest would take place and be considered viable is where the donor presents with count of five million Mgf - the preferred level for a stem cell harvest would be from a donor presenting with a count of eleven million mgf.

My little Sis has clocked in at a phenomenal count of thirty two million Mgf.

I could not ask for a better start  - thank you so much Mel.

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