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Friday 22 February 2013

T + 2 . 'Allo Mrs Jones, 'ow's your Bert's Lumbago?


Hb: 9.1     (+)
Wbc: 2.03 (-)
Npl: 1.85  (-)
Pl:  41      (-)

After the high levels of activity and steep learning curve experienced in navigating the last couple of weeks it feels as though my little boat has crested the white water rapids and has made it to the BMT equivalent of the upper reaches of the Thames, where I am now laying back trailing a hand dreamily over the side - meandering limpidly from bosky dappled shade to lancing sunlight light as dragonflies warp in and out of view, occasionally raising my head into the buzzing air to glance downstream.

I was going to delete that, but thought it sounded so supremely poncey that it had to stay.

The message, however convoluted and poorly expressed is kosher though. All the clever stuff that needed to be done has been done and the job of the people here is to now keep me topped up with the anti-everythings while the gear they put in me last week does its job of either knocking down the old stuff or laying the foundations for the new.

I am still in quite good nick, the doc gives me the once over every day and apart from a couple of small mouth ulcers, a bit of water retention and the odd lavatorial adventure it appears I am doing at least as well as expected if not slightly better.

So, for the people in the queue - I have a fairly rigorous oral hygiene regime anyway, but have upped it in here - so it's teeth cleaned after every meal (not just first at last thing) then use inter-dental brushes to remove any bits the toothbrush can't get and then finally a damn good rinse with mouthwash. Bear in mid that I've been religious about this and have still got a couple of ulcers and you can appreciate how crucial it is.

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