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Thursday 27 March 2014

T + 401. Sleeplessnessnessnessness...

Should have expected this I suppose - cold turkey on sleeping pills will not give you 7.5 hrs of morphic bliss. So tonight up to bed at 10.30 totally crackered 12.30 wide awake and fidgeting so I sneaked out of bed for a cup of bovril and a bit of this.

Second session at Guys Hospital today went like a dream left here 10am arrived 1130 London Bridge filled my face with M & S food- went and got hooked up and a well hydrated blood stream meant that I was able to have 1,5 litres of blood processed in less than two hours and be home in East Sussex for 1530hrs. If interested look up photopheresis in wikipedia for a short but concise explanation. Still have hypertension - all the nurses query this at Kings and Guys and tbh I was a little concerned until I started looking at contra-indications on my meds. Pretty much most of them raise the blood pressure and to top it all so does photo pheresis - so I don't have that ticking time bomb feeling any more and know that BP will gradually reduce as meds are reduced.

Reading my discharge papers today and was surprised to find that when admitted to Kings I had CMV levels of 360000 not the 110000 that I thought so a bit bad really. Been a learning experience the past couple of days  - three weeks of sitting on my arse doing nothing has really atrophied my system. stairs are a struggle - at both ends of my journey today commuters were streaming past at light speed - even the old boys - and going upstairs last night carrying hot drinks, my hamstrings collapsed and I spilt them everywhere. So its going to be plenty of dog walkies at a gentle pace to get me legs going again and of course a couple of weeks of crappy sleep until the zopiclone gets out of my system.

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