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Sunday 16 March 2014

T + 390. Space Hopper Walkies.

Sunday. 16/03/2014

Allowed out of the isolation ward for walkies in the sunshine today, so I'll go have a stroll down Camberwell High Street/ New Road. Must remember to to indulge in some local pastimes;

1) Send some money home via Western Union.
2) Go betting
3) Have a look round Junkie Bank (Cash Converters)
4) Stock up on Quat (Khat?)
5) Get some pay day loans.
6) Have a Morleys/Nanados/McDs and Greggs
7) Pawn my Blackberry
8) Throw rubbish on the street - might even spit.

Funny to think that I lived and grew up in this kind of area for 40-odd years and never quite realised what a craphole it is until I moved to the country. Whenever I have to travel back there is almost an element of claustrophobia involved as the trees and fields make way for the great black fried egg that is London.

Looks like all that fun will have to wait. My hands have started to do the claw again - I'm sitting here with my fingers splayed out like a gecko - so it looks like I'm getting a bag of salts infused to sort the cramps. Bollocks. I have an update on this - doc tells me that ganciclovir and valganciclovir (which I'm having to treat CMV) can deplete essential salts which can lead to cramps.

So after the salts are in I'm determined to get out and go for a walk just to try and help me sleep tonight because the sleepers aren't doing it for me and I really don't want to go down the path of increasing the dosage....oh and I am actually gagging for some junk food as well.

There was a story that I had wanted to pass on - which had slipped my mind, from the first day I went over to Guys Hospital last week (Weds?). The ambulance had pulled back into the Kings and we were queueing to get to the front door so I could be dropped off. I'd been chatting away to the driver all the way back when he said;
A lady - yesterday

"See this? This is what pisses me off."
"What  - the queueing?"
"Nah - you see that woman over there?"
He nodded his head to indicate a lady of larger (no let's be honest) - distinctly space hopper appearance in sporting wear who was working her way down the stairs outside the hospital.

"Her? What about her?"
"She gets driven here 3 times a week, hour and a half each way for free."
"What  - because she's fat and mobility disabled?"
"Do you think she looks it?"

Actually she wasn't having much problem moving around, in spite of her size - she reached the bottom of the stairs and stood  looking expectantly about her...then reached into her pocket for her mobile and started texting/surfing.

Driver - "To get free travel she claims that she is so blind that she can't get here by herself using the train or bus because it would put her in danger. She sat in here and laughed about it."

Looking at her it occurred to me that the only way her eyesight would be a hazard to anyone would be if she didn't see you were already on a chair and sat on you.

Testament to the incredible job the NHS still does in the teeth of disgusting self interest like this.

I really do f**king hate people sometimes.

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