I've started dismantling the eyesore of a trampoline that obscures part of our lovely view at the bottom of the garden, a true labour of love believe me and it will end its' life at the dump tout suite. Have also contacted a 'dent doctor' to come round and tart up up a couple of scuffs on the Land Rover, one on the front fender made by me and the other made by some fucker when I left the car parked up in Sainsburys car park in Tonbridge - no note, nothing. Bastard.
We've got a brilliant gym grade cross trainer that hasn't seen use for a year and now makes a pretty good coat stand. it cost us £800 new and I'm on the horns of a dilemma on whether to flog it, store it here or ship it to Aus. Between us we've accumulated vast numbers of books and Cds all of which can go to storage and on top of that our cellar is a world unto itself. Seeing as we don't have a garage or much loft space, the cellar has become the repository for all the crap that would normally reside in those spaces. Today I sent 60 empty jam jars to recycling and there are still untold half full tins of varnish, paint and woodstain that need to go next.
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I already had the costume |
I also found on Amazon - (for anybody like me that has GVHD of the eyes) these gel filled eye masks that you put in the fridge and then wear a la Lone Ranger style. Very soothing and reduces a lot of the soreness around the eye sockets and inflammation of the eyes great for first thing in the morning or for scratchy eyeballs last thing at night. Highly recommended.
Looks like I (OK my Doctors) may have managed to avert me having another lengthy stay in hospital by early intervention re the baby cough and cold that I picked up from Milo via playschool. Whereas he got rid of it in a couple of days, inoffensive little bugs like this have proven sufficient to put me in hospital on an inhaler for weeks at a time. A weeks' course of antibiotics seems to have done the trick. So although I may be a little slow and stubborn, I have come round to the idea that I'm no longer rufty tufty and need to address every little thing like this as soon as I become aware.
Wooo- ended up going around Wakefield Place Gardens yesterday, woefully ill equipped for the long walk. Milo in crocs Jeannette in flats and me in thin soled deck shoes. The mile and a bit walk downhill to the water gardens was all well and good but the return journey uphill just about finished me off. I was huffing and puffing from bench to bench like an 80 year old. Full credit to Milo though, he got about four fifths of the way round before he started to kick up. Thought I was recovered this morning so took the dog for walkies and half way round turned into Douglas Bader - right leg seized up like it was made of tin.
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