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Thursday 12 June 2014

T + 479. Enough's enough.

Haemoglobin: 10.4
WBC:            2.55
Platelets:        81
Neutrophyls:  1.95

Cripes pages views now at 10140 - well this entry should take care of all that.

Boredom and ennui sinking in now - I've been in this room for 16 days and am starting to rattle. I feel well enough to be discharged - but also understand that the team here have certain criteria that need to be met place before I can get out. At the moment we are waiting on a CMV count from the most recent bloods in order to be sure that I don't have a reactivation when discharged and in the meantime I'm being kept topped up with IV antifungals and antibiotics.

Spent the afternoon watching unlikely transformation videos on you tube - guys that have gone from being giant lardy bastards to super buff in 100 days hmmmm. They are quite motivational but I'm not sure that they're very realistic and none of them are aged 52!  I have however decided that the fightback starts here - I need to stop putting off getting fit again and will go at it when I get out. I'm not going to go silly buggers because I know that I'm starting off from a fairly feeble condition when compared with where I used to be, but I can stop eating so much crap and start with small amounts of cardio and weights, building incrementally.

Had an eye examination yesterday as my eyes have been inflamed and itchy for quite a while, the chap did what he could on a preliminary look, gave me some drops but has recommended that I get  full scan done which will be happening over the coming week or so. Luckily its an out patient appointment so it won't keep me in.

Great news! -  docs popped in for a chat and barring anything silly happening, I should be discharged on Friday. Can't wait - in my head I'm already kicking my way through the litter walking up the road to Denmark Hill Station to catch 52 minutes past train and starting my journey back to the luvverly countryside.

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