Something funny went on with the blog yesterday, normally I'd expect to see between 35 to 50 page views per day - but for some reason it got 316 views which has pushed the all time page figures to over 10,000 very gratifying - but equally confusing - must've been a veeeeery slow news day out there in the world.
Watching a show on Channel 4 earlier about a group of 5 people with terminal diseases who are brought to live together as a palliative care measure to talk to each other in a way that (it seemed to me) non-terminals are unable to grasp. Although now I would no longer in a million years class myself as being at risk, I could totally empathise with the pragmatism and gallows humour shown and recognise so clearly the 'stricken with indigestion' looks that appear on the faces of healthy people when you make a poor taste joke about dying or falling off your perch. It is a very special very intense show called 'My Last Summer' and I challenge you to watch it without being deeply moved, I was damp eyed throughout - look on 4OD.
One of the guys on this programme came out with something that made me roar with laughter saying 'You know you're in deep shit when the people you're seeing at the hospital stop being called Doctor So and So and start being called Mister This or Professor That' - so, so true.
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Angels One Five Binky |
I finally got round to doing my no make up selfie so that you can see my lovely pork pie steroid face - enjoy.
Veins are still not good, they've had to start trying smaller needles on me as its getting tricky to get the canulla in and my arms are starting to look pretty beaten up and purple - we're back to using the backs of my hands now. I had to have one removed and reset earlier today as it was pooling magnesium under my skin which hurt like a motherfunster. I s'pose ideally I should have stomped my foot last week and asked for a PICC line in my neck but what the hell if I'm out on Tuesday it won't matter.
Going to try for some sleep now...
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