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Friday 15 March 2013

T + 22. 'Ahma go' Bitch Slap upside yo' Fat Head


Hb:    8.4   (-1.5)
Wbc: 1.06 (+0.63)
Plt:    43    (-6)
Ntl:    0.52 (0.62)

Weight: 77.9kg

The recent cold spell has made me very aware that as a baldy, baldy man I'm losing a lot of heat through my head and I've been keeping my room way too hot, so I asked Jeannette to bring me a hat in on next visit. She didn't hear it quite like that and we ended up having a mini fashion show results <sigh> are below.

No1 Mr Mofo Pimp Hat

To be honest I was quite taken with this, sartorial elegance and an air of menace. Unfortunately though no woolly lining - a kind of harsh nylon interior - not baldy baldy man friendly.

Hat No 2 Mr Metrosexual Pom Pom Hat.

Although it had a nice comfortable woolly lining - this was never a contender, I'm no way near that metrosexual.
Hat No. 3 The Biggles Look.

In my eyes and given my obvious soft spot for all things Battle of Britain here we have a winner-and it looks cool with my face mask -  though if the Huggy Bear pimp hat had had a soft lining - well who knows.
The decision on my release seems imminent, although I've just been put on 5 day MRSA watch (special soap and nasal oinkment) there is still a possibility that I could be out next week  - fingers crossed people. A line of thought that the says my body is kicking up against the Hickman Line and could maybe be causing the temperature spikes and so I may be having it taken out.



  1. Blimey I didn't realise Jamiroquai was in the house. Looking smooth Mr S.

  2. thanks mate I love you - with a little 'L'.
    Yeah I know the capital L is wrong but I did it lower case and it looked like I was saying I loved you with a little 1...

  3. So Chemo has outed you as Boy George and Micheals Stipes arseborn love child!!
