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Friday 1 March 2013

T + 10. Hey there wanna see my Hairy Keyboard?


Hb:    9.1   (+1.2)
Wbc: 0.39 (+0.28)
Plt:    21    (+13)
Ntl:    0.21 (+0.14)      

Weight: 82.5kg

Turns out my comment the other day about Carrie was a nearer the mark than I could have imagined, because at some time between 2am and 5.30am I started a real gusher of a nosebleed and woke up absolutely caked in my own blood and rattling all over the shop with rigors. I should have taken a pic really, bit I was so concerned about getting cleaned up that I forgot.

All credit to the Nurses Jinky and Mai who were completely unflappable in the face of what I thought at first was a scary quantity of blood (it wasn't) and got me sorted in double time. Looks like more platelets today and there's going to be a new antibiotic tonight to try and take down whatever it is that's giving me the rockabilly shakes.

Jeannette and my eldest Callum are dropping by this arvo bringing the clippers with them - and I seriously cannot wait to remove what remains of Tufted Duck Hair Island - I would laugh at me if I saw me in the street. also have to stop typing every couple of minutes or so to blow the arm hair off the keyboard <Gak>. Had the greatest shave of my life this morning, the razor actually removed the hair rather than cutting it and it feels great - soooooo smooth. Another effect  I have noticed which I'm actually Ok with is a chemo burn suntan weirdly my face looks quite brown and healthy so for every blip so far there is a corresponding may also note that blood values have all gone up, the trick now is to see this sustained running on my own juice rather than top ups, have to admit though, I'm just a little bit excited.

Later in the day, nosebleed has stopped but shakes have come back, fortunately I shaved my head before they started up again. Have to sit and wait now for whatever the growth culture reveals, I know this may sound a bit whingey but if this is the worst it gets then I'm having an easy ride and look upon each day under my belt as a day nearer resuming my life. On the entertainment side I  have been spoilt rotten, I've got about 15 or so recent top films and series 1 and 2 of the Walking Dead (ah jus' lurve me them Zawmbiz) and Boardwalk thingy from Sky.


  1. hey nick you do know that when your hair grows back its highly likely to be black and curly - that will be attractive! for some reason leo sayer is springing to mind! - Do you think the nurses now refer to you as "The Bleeder" ? just a thought - keep the blog going xx

  2. sorry nick meant to say im using mums account at work - love little cuz x

  3. Need some wash and go? Or wash and gone?
