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Wednesday 28 May 2014

T + 461. Encore de Equine Urine.


Back in Kings College Horse Piddle again finally got a bed at  23.30hrs last night after rocking up at just after midday for my appointment. This time to try and put the kybosh on a respiratory infection that I've been carrying for a good few weeks now. It started off as just a tickly cough but has progressed to the point where I have damaged what remains of the muscles in my stomach and back from hacking so hard- bloody painful. Most of the symptoms from my previous whinge are still in play to a greater or lesser extent, but manageable for the most part. One bonus is that the Les Dawson auto-detune has finished and my hearing has returned to normal.

I will also be getting some tasty tasty new blood as it looks as though the anti-CMV treatment I have been taking (Valganciclovir) has been stepping on my Hb level which is a tad low at 8.9. Bang on cue my silly sleep patterns have re-emerged so I've only slept from midnight til 04.30hrs, but am determined not to start on the Zopiclone again so will try to normalise over the next couple of days  - hoping that this will only be a stay of 5-7 days max, but then again we said that last time and it ended up being 3 weeks.

During my efforts to get back to sleep last night my mind was off all over the place and ended up on music. For some reason I got to thinking about - ahem - mashups - which is when two or more separate songs are digitally tweaked so that their rhythm or melody lines can be overlaid or dovetailed to make a new sounding piece of music. The first commercial instance of this that i can recall was Billy Jean/Do it again back in the late 80's. I started thinking about the most unlikely couplings that might just work and came up with these;

Isley Brothers - Summer Breeze and Pearl Jam - Alive
Abba- Does your Mother know? and The Sex Pistols - Pretty Vacant, also I reckon that Michael Jackson - Billy Jean would fit pretty well with The Doors - Riders on the Storm.

Probably someone has done them already, but I can't be arsed to trawl through Youtube to search them out.

It's 14.00hrs now on my first full day and apart from seeing a couple of registrars and nurses I've not started on any treatment yet other than the stuff I was taking at home, some saline to flush my kidneys and magnesium for the claw. But I've done the full range of swabs and blood tests so I guess they are waiting on test results before deciding on a plan of action.

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