Bloods - Jolly good thanks for asking.
GvHD - appears under control, ciclosporin back up to 125mgs BD
CMV - count 4,000 and rising. Under observation, started 900mgs BD valganciclovir a week ago.
Well having just read back the last entry from July, I can advise that things did get a bit shittier before they got better. At one point I was down to around 9st (126lbs) before it was confirmed that I had GvHD affecting both ends of the GI system and my ciclosporin was upped. At time of writing I've clawed my way back to 9st 10lbs and have a pretty healthy appetite for the first time in about 6 months - I'm also on high calorie milkshakes up to four times a day.
I've had GvHD pretty badly in my mouth and am using a lignocaine spray before I eat as it numbs all the ulcers on my tongue and cheeks - nearly makes your feet leave the ground when you first spray it on, but kicks in after about 30 secs and makes the bottom half of your face feel like Droopy the cartoon beagle.
Overall though (and I don't want to jinx things) I'm in a far more positive frame of mind and I hope to be back at the gym within a few weeks. My next appointment is back at Kings on 1st October and if I can continue to keep the weight going on I can avoid being readmitted and at this stage in the deal I really don't want to be back in hospital again.
On a lighter note (!) Milo, age 3, has developed a rather unique speech tic over the past few weeks - a long drawn out sigh followed by 'Fucking Hell'. Both Jeannette and I were mortified the first time we heard it and it obviously registered with him that it got a great reaction, so he drops it into his conversation every so often. The penalty is a slapped leg and instant exile to his bedroom and he disappears in floods of tears, insisting that he's sorry but he keeps doing it. A new variation is 'Tucking Hell' in the hope that this will pass muster, I'm starting to get worried now because if he keeps developing at this rate he'll be running rings around the both of before he's 5.