Bloods - all good
Weight 9st 6lb (130lbs)
Well here we are at 5 months in and I have to admit that this isn't quite where I envisaged being when I pictured my rosy future back on February 19th.
On the plus side I'm showing levels of between 99 to 100% chimerism, the BMT appears to have been a success, my blood counts have been consistently good and on the up since I left hospital and my skin GvHD has completely gone.
The flipside of this is that I've done a couple of rounds with Cyto Megalo Virus and since having a bum-cam (colonoscopy) yesterday, now know that I have a couple of colonic ulcers - only small ones mind - and am being checked for a recurrence of gastro-intestinal GvHD. This goes a long may towards explaining why I have had painful stomach cramps and the raging trots for the past six weeks! Oh and the last of my fingernails fell out last week.
I don't think I'm depressed, I think it's more of a siege mentality where I've just battened down the hatches to try and ride out shitty times (har de har) that I'm going through. I'm very much keeping in mind the fact that although I may never feel good at any given point during the day, all of this is short to medium term and it will pass meaning that I come through the other end of it with healthy, functioning bone marrow and the rest of my life to look forward to.